Event: Summer Camp Participants : Students ,Trainers and NCS Staff. Remarks : Summer Activity Date : 01-04-2024 to 16-04-2024.
Event : Fire Safety Training Participants : Staff and Solutions Remarks : Demo for students and staff for the steps to be taken in case of fire emergency.
Event : Teachers Training – Oxford Publications Participants : Resource person Mr. Rajkumar and NCS Staff Remarks : First session training for using oxford book. Date : 04-04-2024 to 05-04-2024
DATE 24-02-2024 EVENTS Graduation Day PARTICIPANTS Mrs. Swati Reddy, Registrar,NCS Director, Principal , Vice Principal ,Staff and Students and Parents REMARKS UKG Students were graduated adn promised to Grade -1.
DATE 09-02-2024 EVENTS Annual Day PARTICIPANTS Mr. Mangesh Ananth Naik, Mrs. Swati Reddy, Registrar, Suresh Babu Director ,NET Staff, NCS Director, Principal , Vice Principal ,Staff and Students. REMARKS Celebration
DATE 26-02-2024 EVENTS Republic Day Celebration PARTICIPANTS Director , Principal , Vice Principal ,Staff and Students. REMARKS Parade, Flag Hoisting , Speech by students in Kannada , Hindi and English.
DATE 12-01-24 EVENTS Sanskranti Celebration Dental College Exhibition PARTICIPANTS Pre-Primary to Grade III :Traditional Dress Students from Grade IV to Grade X. REMARKS Children were asked to come in Traditional Dress. Students were taken to the Dental College for the Exhibition.
DATE 28.12.23 EVENTS Sports for staff : Cricket, Vollyball PARTICIPANTS Director, Principal, Vice-principal and Staff. REMARKS Part of our annual Sports day.